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Tony Hernandez
Grip Socks
Best grip socks in the game!
CRKSOLY. Caste Game Socks
Robbye Ron
High quality sweatshirt
Very good quality sweatshirt! I love my joga crack blue XL sweatshirt. Looking forward to buy another one
CRKSOLY. DBZ Anime Style Tee
Christopher Martinez
Great gear
I really like the quality of the material and most importantly what it stands for.
Thanks !
CRKSOLY. Youth Black Training Top
Patrick Watters
Gabby “The Beast”
Gabby is an elite (12G) soccer ⚽️ and rugby 🏉 player. She trains with Rodrigo Alvarez Lopez (Roro #8) and loves all her CRKSOLY gear! She has both the white and black monogram shorts along with several other articles; shirts, shin guards, socks, tights and hoodies.
CRKSOLY. 5’ Youth Monogram Shorts
Villegas Cynthia
The best
Loved my sweater outfit ! Great brand.
CRKSOLY. Women Black Pullover
Michelle Garcia
5 Star 💫 Merch
Best soccer Merchandise out there for the real soccer cracks! 💯🔥
✅ Practice shirt highest quality out there dry fit can use as a outgoing T-shirt or to practice very comfortable.
✅ soccer tights are made to be tight in the right places and all at the same time very stretchy. You can’t even tell you are wearing them. Perfect for morning or night games to keep you warm.
✅ gloves 🧤 are super cool the gloves are very warm has the craksoly logo in front with grip in the inside perfect to help with throw-ins.
✅ Grip socks my favorite 🤩 not too thick but not too thin they are made perfect with perfect grip to help with the dribbling and fast cuts and change of pace you have to make a soccer field.
✅ I had a small issue with my product problem was resolved that same day!!!!!!!
Customer Service Team is 💯 definitely will continue to buy here for a long time!!!!!!🔥🔥
I have always cared about my appearance on the field but I would never risk my performance for it. With these socks I don’t have to sacrifice either of those things and I get the great quality of the sock and its grip, while also feeling true to the saying “look good, feel good, play good.”